Software patent — Computer programs, software and patent law Topics … Wikipedia
Software-Patent — Ein Softwarepatent ist ein Patent, das Schutz für ein oder mehrere Computerprogramme, entweder unmittelbar als Computerprogrammanspruch oder mittelbar als wesentliches Mittel, das zur Benutzung des beanspruchten Erzeugnisses oder Verfahrens… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Software patent debate — is the argument dealing with the extent to which it should be possible to patent software and computer implemented inventions as a matter of public policy. Policy debate on software patents has been active for years. [Cite book |last=Nichols… … Wikipedia
Software Patent Institute — (established 1992 in Ann Arbor) [Bernard Galler, [ galler.html University of Michigan Software Patent Institute] ] is an American non profit corporation established to assist in the… … Wikipedia
Software patents under United States patent law — Software or computer programs are not explicitly mentioned in United States patent law. In the face of new technologies, decisions of the United States Supreme Court and United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) have sought to … Wikipedia
Software copyright — Software copyright, the relatively recent extension of copyright law to machine readable software. It is used by proprietary software companies to prevent the unauthorized copying of their software. It is also used by proponents of open source… … Wikipedia
Software law — refers the to legal remedies available to protect software based assets. Software may, under various circumstances and in various countries, be restricted by patent or copyright or both. Most commercial software is sold under some kind of… … Wikipedia
Software patents and free software — Opposition to software patents is widespread in the free software community. In response, various mechanisms have been tried to defuse the perceived problem. Positions from the community Community leaders such as Richard Stallman, [cite web… … Wikipedia
Software-Patente — Ein Softwarepatent ist ein Patent, das Schutz für ein oder mehrere Computerprogramme, entweder unmittelbar als Computerprogrammanspruch oder mittelbar als wesentliches Mittel, das zur Benutzung des beanspruchten Erzeugnisses oder Verfahrens… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Software patents under the European Patent Convention — Computer programs, software and patent law Topics … Wikipedia
Software patents under United Kingdom patent law — There are four over riding requirements for a patent to be granted under United Kingdom patent law. Firstly, there must have been an invention. That invention must be novel, inventive and susceptible of industrial application. (See Patentability) … Wikipedia